Monday, 5 March 2012

Gypsy Cat...made from old jumpers and a scarf

This old tabbie was so much fun to make. I rifled through the men's clothes section at my local vinnies shop to find some cheap fabrics. I cut up some ugly old pants for his body and a brown jumper for his head. His legs were made from a scarf and you may notice that I used the fringe from the scarf for his hair. Stitch on a few buttons to add an engaging charm.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Goldilocks and the Three Bears altered art Tea cup...

My first altered art creation...

I used this very sweet little vintage lemon tea cup from my teacup collection.

Sunflower - J & G Meakin

I found the pictures from this vintage Nursery Tales book

Papa Bear

Mama Bear

Baby Bear

...and Goldilocks

I used a decoupage paste to adhere the pictures


Then a coat of sealer


....and finally a touch of gloss varnish

So sweet yet so easy to do...