Friday, 5 October 2012

Help I have lost my mojo...

Help I have lost my mojo....

I started working on these canvas panels last year and then just lost interest...
I glued on some old scrap booking paper to cover the canvas, then I cut out some pretty pictures from my collection of vintage books.
Then I lost interest and stashed them under my bed (too large to store anywhere else)

...anyway I found some inspiration to work on the project again when it was my very sweet friends birthday - I thought I would give it to her as a present...
I glued a few more birds on then came up with the idea to use some old lace I had to cover the whole thing. I took it over to my very sweet friends house to work on....she loved the lace overlay and together we came up with the idea to cut away the lace around the pictures. I added a few layers of modpoge.
It's nearly finished but I need a spur on to complete the project....please help

Monday, 5 March 2012

Gypsy Cat...made from old jumpers and a scarf

This old tabbie was so much fun to make. I rifled through the men's clothes section at my local vinnies shop to find some cheap fabrics. I cut up some ugly old pants for his body and a brown jumper for his head. His legs were made from a scarf and you may notice that I used the fringe from the scarf for his hair. Stitch on a few buttons to add an engaging charm.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Goldilocks and the Three Bears altered art Tea cup...

My first altered art creation...

I used this very sweet little vintage lemon tea cup from my teacup collection.

Sunflower - J & G Meakin

I found the pictures from this vintage Nursery Tales book

Papa Bear

Mama Bear

Baby Bear

...and Goldilocks

I used a decoupage paste to adhere the pictures


Then a coat of sealer


....and finally a touch of gloss varnish

So sweet yet so easy to do...

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Patchwork quilt made from pretty little girls dresses..

When my daughter was 3 years old she grew out of one of her favourite dress. I told her I would make a patchwork quilt for her bed with her old dresses.

So I set about making a patchwork quilt

I hand-stitched each little patch, this is the view from the back
 remember its not finished

I hand-stitched a few little messages on some patches

...and I stitched some bugs & bees too

I also used her pajamas (jimjams)

When my daughter was 10 years old she stopped wearing pretty dresses and would only wear jeans
So I stopped making the quilt

I packaged up the quilt into a cupboard with all my other unfinished crafts

My daughter is now 20 years old and has started wearing pretty dresses again
So I think I will start working on the quilt again...
Such a happy ending I think

Friday, 24 February 2012

Cheeky Glove Dog - Restyled from a white cotton glove

My 17 year old son works part time for Big W in the store Recovery department. He comes home from work each week with a white pair of cotton gloves. I hand stitched this little fellow using one pair of gloves.
I hand stitched this wee fellow in two pieces, first the body then his head. You may notice I used the fingers to form his ears.

His tail is a little wonky but it adds to his character. You may also have noticed I stitched his button eyes and nose on a little crooked to keep him cheeky with a touch melancholy.
He was so much fun to make..!!

By the way

if you have time today...bake some pie

Monday, 20 February 2012

Glass plate recreate - Alice in Wonderland


Alice in Wonderland Plate

I made this plate using picture's from an old book.
 I found the Glass plate from my local Vinnies Shop.

The little teapot & cup was cut from a different vintage book.
 I also cut out some words from the story of Alice.

I used a mosaic glue to adhere the picture and I used some glass
 paint on any gaps between the pictures.

Then I gave the back a few coats of paint then I used a sealant.
When the plate was finished I gave it to my very sweet friend...

Thank you for reading my first post...feel free to post a comment